Now, I'm not sure if this is significant or not, but after chapter 10 in Song of Solomon , this has been on my mind. When Milkman entered the cave, he was "blinded by the absence of light." This struck me because earlier in the same chapter there was mention of "the absence of light" as he entered the Butler place. I found that this phrase references "a newborn traveling through a birth canal" from the article "Signifying Circe in Toni Morrison's 'Song of Solomon.'" If this is true, that means that Milkman is starting to become a new person as he enters these dark places. In fact, we saw this new character as he realized his selfishness over what he did or didn't "deserve" in chapter 11. After he left the cave, Milkman started encountering the most threatening situations of his life. First, the brawl at the store and then the attempted murder from his lovely best friend Guitar. But going back to the first mention...
Sabrina Song