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War and Peace

Violence. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. In most ways violence can seem very obvious because of its portrayal in movies, video games, and crime; you picture blood, weapons, and fighting. But there seem to be sources of violence that tend to be less physical. 

While looking at an image of a young boy in the arms of, presumably, his father whose head was covered by a bag, it seems that most of us agreed that it isn't a violent image. In disbelief, Mrs. Valentino exclaimed that it is actually violent. However, in my head, it came across as almost peaceful. Now, I do acknowledge the sadness of this image, but what I really saw was a boy reuniting with his father among the vastness of a desert. There was a stillness that was reflected by the picture instead of the usual chaos that physical violence entails. So what really is violence?

We can almost all agree that there should be a line drawn between when it's appropriate to disclose violent images and not, right? But part of me wants to argue that there shouldn't be a line. After reading the sources, I realized that despite the difficulty in imagining the gruesome images of evidence following every article about crime, these exact images are what horrify people by crime-- or committing a crime. 

Because the image of the boy and his father isn't gruesome, it's bearable to look at. We aren't appalled nor really worried; it doesn't affect us. And because of this need to appeal to viewers (aka us), we become sensitive to the reality and can never understand the true horror that needs to be prevented.


  1. I really liked your take on that violent image we looked at in class. I believe that the image may not necessarily show violence but it can represent violence. Like the events that led to the capture of the father can be violent ones or the intentions for the father's imprisonment may be violent. But I do agree with you that the image itself is not violent but rather remorseful and hopeful. The atmosphere given off in my opinion is different than what the picture conveys.

  2. wow this blog is amazing. I totally relate to how you felt about violent images at first - like you, I wanted there to be some appropriateness standard. But the more I started outlining my essay, I realized the privilege behind that point of view. Of wanting to maintain some appropriateness when it's really just denying the reality that's happening right before our eyes. I feel like we need to hold on to this idea of horrification - of being compelled to some sort of emotion, and hopefully letting that emotion carrying us to action, to not ever let such brutality to be normalized. It's only when we stop becoming shocked when it's too late.

  3. Lol I was also thinking about titling my post "War and Peace" before I decided on a stance someone was bound to make that reference. I like how you point out that violent images can be shown in many forms - maybe the image itself isn't but the history behind it or its imminent future will be, and these images often reach different, even stronger, effects than the "typical" violent image of dead bodies, guns, and blood. I agree that spreading awareness through showing violent images is often necessary in a sense but due to the viewers' feelings it's often a very sensitive, touchy topic.

  4. Good job! I believe that even though we discussed only violent images in class, there are many disturbing images that aren't violent. For example, the image we saw in class was sad rather than violent. I believe images serve an important purpose to unite people behind a cause. Pictures of starving children aren't necessarily violent but they serve as a call to action to get people to donate.

  5. I agree, violent images do not just mean body parts missing or blood spurting out. Violence can take place in non physical forms. If you abuse someone mentally, is that considered violence? Violent images is very sensitive topic, and it makes sense that some people just don't want to think about these sorts of things. But it is an important topic that people need to address, because censoring violent images may be more harmful than people think.

  6. I totally agree that there is a lot of non-physical violence that we as humans almost gloss over. We need to change our definition of violence and really try to promote prevention. Its really interesting how so many people saw that image as being nonviolent! I also really liked how you picked the image apart and described all aspects of it.

  7. I really like the way you included the violence that comes from movies and media, because it seems as though we have started glossing over, or becoming desensitized to the more abstract form of violence, mental violence.


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