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Finally, the Presidency

"My fellow Americans..."

This is how FDR started his Fireside Chats immediately after his inauguration. This became one of his most famous programs--his connection to the American common people through the radio. Think about Biden on Instagram Live... In fact, Biden actually had a campaign called #TeamJoeTalks where celebrities endorsed him. Needless to say, FDR was a trendsetter.

FDR's version vs Biden's

Roosevelt is also known for his Hundred Days and the First New Deal, in which he preserved the banks with the bank holiday and created the Public Works Administration (PWA), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) to stimulate the economy. I could go on and on about the legislation FDR passed (which, trust me, was not easy to memorize sophomore year) but you get the gist. 


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