All across the world, there is a type of people called "snafs." Snafs are blended into society--some conspicuous, some never revealed. Indeed there is a variation of snafs, though most tend to be of ages ten through twenty and share similar preoccupations.
Snafs are not born into this identity; only once they encounter their leader do they become snafs. The process of conversion starts with mild and casual admiration of their leader's products, then quickly spirals into total fixation. Most spend their time practicing their most integral rituals, even while going about their days. Like chants, meaningful words of their leaders replay and leave lasting sounds ringing in their heads. Once familiar enough with these sounds, the words become effortlessly ingrained in snafs' minds and they even start to chant themselves.
The leaders of each type of snaf are worshipped. However, like snafs, they were not always like this. Through a process of fate and light, they reached the pedestal they stand on today. Before, they may have been looked down upon--in fact, more often than not, they were chastised, mocked, and hidden. Now, they are seen with awe. Every characteristic of a leader is glorified--from the outside to in, from top to bottom.
Because of snafs, these leaders' lives are forever changed. Once nobody, they now travel across the world for the purpose of pleasing the snafs--all whilst profiting off them. At this union, leaders chant the routine words, but this time in real-time, face to face.
Ultimately, the majority of snafs will cease to exist, but new waves of snafs will arise. Similarly, only the most praised leaders will be remembered after their deaths and their vestiges will likely fade.
I love your portrayal of snafs! I'm assuming these snafs are fans who become obsessed with whoever they stan. I think this is a really unique group of people to portray. I think you did an amazing job imitating Horace Miner!