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SNL: Satire Now Loud

The concept of satire in comedy is fundamentally questionable, though it works. Society's rule is generally to avoid calling out people's flaws, yet comedy finds a loophole of balance to do so without offending the general population.
The obvious face of comedy in America is Saturday Night Live. Although the program is known for its many parodies of electoral debates and "Weekend Updates," most of its production is not government-mocking. It varies from commercial parodies to high school skits and more; these clearly don't target specific individuals, allowing for wide entertainment. In other cases, the subject of the joke is so absurd that everyone can enjoy it--even the subject itself. Because the principal purpose of comedy is to entertain, those being made fun of must accept that they are only a small expense of this entertainment. And even more, because these jokes are exaggerations, the audience knows not to take the message too literally. These behaviors are not truly representative: the true behaviors are only a fraction of the extent of the actions demonstrated in skits. Therefore only a fraction of the criticism from the message will be taken on by those ridiculed.

In this sketch, "Food Dudes," Saturday Night Live makes fun of ordering noticeably large amounts of food. However, because it banks on the self-shame that overeaters share, these foodies can laugh alongside the skit. Additionally, the main focus on the skit was the Food Dudes, not the customer. The concept of a Food Dude is so absurd that it becomes clear that the customer's shame only exists to introduce the product.


  1. I like how you note how comedy is almost preposterous because it's based on making fun of others, yet it's still so popular because of the entertainment it provides. I feel like making fun of oneself is often common in satire and laughing it off is an integral part also. The next question though is what effect satire has on people's actions - does it actually manage to make a difference?

  2. i love how you renamed SNL to satire now loud! that is so innovative :) But I agree how exaggerations help people not take things too literally, yet get the point (in a more surface level). Hopefully people are then prompted to learn more about the issue.

  3. I love your use of SNL and the various types of skits they write and portray to show the satirical side of it all. Very wise statement saying that it's the face of comedy in America!


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