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Prepare to be Disappointed

The human mind naturally develops pattern recognition. In psychology, this describes how we make connections between memories and information perceived because our brains want to predict situations from past experiences. Because this behavior is so basic and innate, considering the logic and accuracy of patterns, it seems that we've integrated it into our thinking even when we shouldn't.

Throughout our K-12 education, we're taught to analyze characters: what are their key traits? Their conflicts? Their attitudes? And through this, we've gotten into the habit of labeling them and putting them into categories for the convenience of characterizing them. It seems like every character has a distinguished role and a distinguished set of ideals. But in Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the main character Ifemelu and those around her challenge this way of thinking.

In Americanah, central conflicts arise from status--both finance and race-based. Like the rest of the world, the overwhelming majority in Nigeria (Ifemelu's native country) glorifies western culture. If you're from abroad over even associated with western culture, you will automatically be classified as "cool," and the most popular girl in school will have "caramel skin and wavy hair that [falls]...down to her neck instead of standing Afro-like" (Adiche 66). However, Ifemelu tends to defy these ideals and embrace her African culture. When her ex-boyfriend Obinze complimented her with "'you look like a black American'" (Adiche 80), she became disappointed and unsatisfied with the standard. As she reunited with her childhood friend Ginika in America, Ifemelu mentally listed the changes, both ridiculing and becoming saddened by them. 

It's easy to label Ifemelu as the culturally-embracing one. But contrary to our desires as readers, she eventually becomes more and more Americanized--at times even neglecting her roots. Tired of only being seen as an immigrant, Ifemelu practices an American accent and overuses words like "excited." As a reader, these changes and occasional whims of assimilation are disappointing. We desire a static character who acts in accordance with what we expect. Realistically, though, this fickle behavior just reflects the struggle and nature of man's desires and actions. 


  1. I guess this goes back to the central issue of assimilation - as one gets used to a new environment, shouldn't they try to fit in and embrace it? Yet go too far, and one loses their own sense of self and where they came from. So where's the sweet spot? What kinds of experiences should we let shape us as a person, while what kind of change is it best to avoid getting washed away by? There isn't even a right or wrong answer, only pros and cons with each, and then I guess it's up to everyone to decide for themselves.

  2. I definitely think there is a struggle going on between her desires and actions. They are contradicting each other. She seems to want to fight the standards, but she doesn't know how, so she chooses the easier option - assimilation. In the short term assimilations seems worth it - you're accepted and fit in. But in the long run nothing changes, and your happiness due to assimilation is only temporary. I also agree that as a reader I would desire a static character that takes on the challenge of fighting the standards. The feistiness and the courage that usually comes with that role is interesting to read about. I wonder if she ever will become the culturally embracing one? I wonder why the author hasn't written her like that at the beginning? My thought is that maybe she grows and develops as a character a lot, and learning a lesson about cultural standards and losing your identity is part of her journey. That would be more accurate to real life. It isn't a slow process to lose or regain your identity. And most often it feels like an eternity when you are trying to fight stereotypes or cultural standards.

  3. I like how you started with some background of patterns before talking about how Ifemelu adopts American patterns. I also thought it was interesting how we shouldn't expect these characters to stay with their culture and not adapt to American culture. These are dynamic characters who change with their situation. I also thought it was interesting that you said that she overuses the word "excited". Maybe once she becomes more comfortable with her surroundings, she will start to embrace her own culture, rather than just trying to fit in.

  4. I thought it was very interesting how you incorporated the things you learn in psychology to the book and the characters' thought processes. I never thought to make the connection about how we "make connections between memories and information perceived because our brains want to predict situations from past experiences" but it definitely makes sense as to why people react and think certain ways

  5. I think the sad reality of assimilation is that you cannot really escape it. While in Nigeria, I think it was easier for Ifemelu to resist western culture, but when she moved to America, a foreign place where her culture wasn't necessarily the norm, caused her to choose between losing a part of her heritage or having to deal other obstacles, which is inevitable.

  6. I love your blog post Sabrina! Oftentimes we hope for a character who simply acts in accordance of the predicted ideas, but I love Americanah because it allows us to see what it truly means to be an immigrant in America.

  7. I definetly agree with your stance about how Ifemelu becomes more Americanized as the book progresses. Though she looked down upon her friends for confroming to western standards, she herself partakes in relaxing her hair for a job interview. I think you brought up a great point in the last paragraph about how immigrants view assimilation. To them it means sacrificing their old, native identity to increase thier chances of surviving in their dream land. Also, I think that Ifemelu's fickle nature is shown through her relationship track record. Although dating might not directly related to assimilation, it's just her nature to be pursue the "hunger" is consuming her, causing her to be confused about her american identity.


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