If you're like me and have lived in Troy for all (or almost all) your life, you're pretty familiar with our surrounding cities. There's Rochester, Birmingham, Bloomfield, and... what's it called? The scary, run-down one just a few miles south? Of course, Detroit. No one could forget it! But have you ever introduced yourself to a non-Michigander and realized the pure shock on his face as you tell him that you're from the Detroit area? But how can such an educated and financially well off person come from Detroit? he would ask. And even after you explain that you're not actually from Detroit, but a suburb of the city, he would still be stunned. But if you think about it, we should too. The commute to the second most dangerous city in the United States is only 30 minutes! And you know the movies Detroit and 8 Mile ! But something just as obvious yet unnoticed is the extent of segregation that exists in our area. All our lives, we have been surrounded by Cauc...
Sabrina Song